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HomeOur WoodshopSaws - Table

I freely admit that I have an Old 'Arn table saw fetish, just can't pass em up.  That being the case and wanting to use as many as possible, each is set-up for specific tasks, ripping, cross cutting, power fed runs, and one used as a combination of most of the above.

(Click on image or title for expanded view)


This is one powerful and classic saw.  Outfitted with an 18" blade and a 4 wheel power feed, it's our go-to saw for production runs.  For our designated purpose, the fence system is just about the best around.   It'll go through 4" thick cocobolo 'like butter' and 5" with just a little 'wheeze.'  A slab of cocobolo on the fence face and as a ZCI assures a consistently smooth surface as the coco is almost self-oiling.  I've never been much concerned 'how they look,' only 'how they run,' and this one runs as good as the day she was born.



pm68-300-webPOWERMATIC 68

A 12" beauty with 'acres' of cast iron 'real estate,' this is our one-off ripper (OK, maybe more than just one-off but something less than a set-up, production run).  Because we use our SCMI for panel and large stock, the 'acres' to the right of the blade come in handy for stacking stock to be cut or just cut, sort of like a large, cast iron auxiliary table.  



This one's out of my original garage shop.  It's now set-up with a Jessem slider and the rails and fence have been removed which has relegated it as a designated cross-cutter.   Finished it off with a cocobolo trim bordering the edges (the advantages of living underneath stacks of the stuff).  








We don't cut a lot of panels but this one just about replaced the need to use our Diehl straight line rip saw.  It's a lot easier and more versatile than the Diehl for one-off straight lines and doubles as an accurate cross-cutter, 90 degree as well.






An old classic for somewhat automating a straight line rip.  Partially replaced with the addition of our SCMI Panel saw but still great for production runs or extra long workpieces.  A laser mounted on top shows the path of the blade, the upcoming rip cut.

largest inventory in southern california tropical exotic hardwoods



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  • ZIRICOTE full boards




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