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HomeCustomer ProfilesThe 'Maloof Boys'


Carrying on in Sam's tradition, the 'Maloof Boys' continue to offer his classic furniture in ziricote and we are proud to be included as one of their suppliers of this rare and stunning wood.  Allowed the privilege to photograph some of their spectacular pieces, a few of which appear here.  They are truly spectacular works not only due to the impressive nature of the wood but equally impressive due to the true craftsmanship displayed in their work.  It's no wonder why Sam was so confident about his 'boys,' their capabilities and execution of their work is fitting tribute to Sam himself.  You now have the opportunity to buy the same ziricote that they use for your own special projects.  We doubt that it is possible to practically obtain ziricote any longer and anticipate that once it’s gone, there may not be any more.

largest inventory in southern california tropical exotic hardwoods



  • 'Raw' COCOBOLO 'cants'
  • ZIRICOTE full boards




  • 'Raw' cants
  • Milled Boards
  • Live Edge Slabs
  • Bookmatches
  • Quilts and Spalts
  • Turning Blanks 





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